Custom Small Mixed Bouquet
Our Mixed Floral Bouquets are styled in your choice of colours, additions and wrapped in our signature style.
Our Mixed Floral Bouquets are styled in your choice of colours, additions and wrapped in our signature style.
Classy Roses & Baby's Breath Bouquet
The bouquet was perfect. I couldn’t stop staring at it and I just wished I got a bigger size haha.
So pretty the person who received it had so much comment and love them so much thank you ☺️ for the lovely flower and the delivery people was so sweet also 🥰
The flower delivery on time and even earlier than expected. Very nice bouquet and extra addition are very nice. Thanks for your service. I will keep in mind when we need it. And I will recommend it to all my friends and family.
Was amazing, the arrangement and colours were blended together so well. My misses really loved them 😊
Bought these for my girlfriend and she was blown away :D
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